EVHoster is looking to shake up the EV industry and provide everyone with safe and reliable energy for their homes and their neighborhood.

Empowering people to collaborate for a better, brighter, sustainable future.

Our mission:

To give everyone the freedom to reliably charge their vehicle, and generate energy anywhere at any time while helping the planet.

As the electric vehicle market continues to grow, we want to increase the availability of portable charging stations and help contribute to the betterment of the environment.

Wherever you may be, you won't need to worry about losing power.

an aerial view of a road going through a forest with a globe in the background

Ambitious Innovation:

By leveraging the EV Revolution, we empower every individual to reduce carbon footprints and ease the transition to an all EV society.

At EVHoster, we believe everyone should have easy access to sustainable, renewable clean energy. By increasing charging station availabilities, we inch ever closer to that net zero and decarbonization goal and the ideal green world.

Stay in the loop

We promise to only send you updates on what's to come. Stay tuned.

Let's help the planet together

If you are interested in learning more about EVHoster, subscribe to us and we'll keep you up to date with our progress in helping to create a better, cleaner, and sustainable future.

If you are an investor and are interested in opportunities to work with us, please feel free to reach out to us and we can begin a conversation.

You can call us at
(855) 686-4229.

white EVHoster logo
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